
afraid Helmut Prodinger's Home Page afraid

European website:
The old address should also work:
Note the current address of this webpage:
However, I lost contact to the website administrators, and plans are to make the website in Graz the main website.
Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon Balloon
The most striking aspect of his mathematical practice is his extraordinary skill at calculations. In fact, he tried to solve mathematical problems to a large extent by means of a calculative, algebraic approach.
Dwarf thanks malegntn


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Last update: October 26, 2020

animated Book Scientific publications

Alois Panholzer's Thesis "Untersuchungen zur durchschnittlichen Gestalt gewisser Baumfamilien (Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Anwendungen in der Informatik)" [compressed postscript, 578 K]

Home Where do I belong?

Academic I am a professor at the Department of Mathematics of the Stellenbosch University.

ShakespeResearch interests

World Some People

Here are pointers to some of my national and international friends. Also to such people who might not even know me, but whom I find/found quite influential.


Library Editorial Duties

I am a member of the editorial board of the following journals:

Theoretical Computer Science Journal of Algorithms

Some links

Daemon My electronic diary. Helmut Prodinger's african adventures, narrated by himself.

Old stuff

Sheila and Tony

Pictures of Pocahontas

Comedian Harmonists

eye Knuth's first analysis of an algorithm (see the Analysis of Algorithms Homepage), texset by me; Tex, Dvi, Postscript. (These files can also be found on the Analysis of Algorithms Homepage.)

BooksArno Schmidt

Some books


Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

Travelling ...

ProfessorTeaching in South Africa South African Maths Lessons

Relations of my work to the Art of Computer Programming

ConferencesServing for International Conferences


Skull Private Corner

Helmut Prodinger
Department of Mathematics
University of Stellenbosch
7602 Stellenbosch
Tel: +27 - (0)21 - 808 3273
email: hproding at sun dot ac dot za
South Africa